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Le Coron de l'Eglise - La Sentinelle

59174 La Sentinelle
The church settlement is today the oldest preserved example of mining housing. The first dwellings were built in 1825. These are bars with a single level. At a later date, other bars were added to the first series of dwellings. These two-storey dwellings show greater research in decoration with windows surmounted by arched lintels, pilasters and projecting moldings. The settlement and the old pit of La Sentinelle constitute the oldest mining complex in the Basin. Registered Historic Monument
Photos Opinions
  • Le Coron de l'Eglise - La Sentinelle 1 - La Sentinelle
  • Le Coron de l'Eglise - La Sentinelle 1 - La Sentinelle
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