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Bouchain, Ville fortifiée

59111 Bouchain
Under Vauban in the 17th century, Bouchain consolidated its role as a stronghold: the fortifications of Charles V (from the 16th century) were modernized and reinforced, and gave the town of Bouchain the shape of a star intended to protect it. Fortified since the 12th century, everything has been done to stop the advance of the enemies: The keep (see illustration in the upper part), called Tour d'Ostrevant, dates from the 12th century. It was the fortified dwelling of the Lord, also served, from the start, as a watchtower, then as a prison, as a cannon base, as a warehouse for engineers and, today, as a museum. Also to discover: The bastion des Forges, from 1535, is the last vestige, along the Scheldt, of the fortified enclosure of the citadel. The 3 other faces of the citadel were protected by ditches filled with water, the whole thus constituting an obstacle to be crossed for the attackers. The powder magazine, a powder magazine built by Vauban in 1687, was used to store 150 tonnes of gunpowder contained in wooden barrels. During the siege of 1711, it served as a hospital to treat the wounded. The casemated mask dates from 1844. These are rooms connecting the older fortifications. They make it possible to further strengthen the city's defense to the north. The arsenal, the current village hall of the city of Bouchain. When it was built in 1845, this building served as an armament and military equipment depot. The reserve of cannons was in the yard on planks.
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  • Bouchain, Ville fortifiée 1 - Bouchain
  • Bouchain, Ville fortifiée 1 - Bouchain
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