All the events, show, festivals and other attractions happening in the region.
What's going on at the river port, Saint-Amand-les-Eaux and in the park at Raismes, and much more
You can download the full event guide here!
My stay
- Séries Mania | Atelier de Suédage - Projection ... Festival Wallers On 11 March Add to my stay
- Concert de l'Harmonie de Péronnes Concert Wallers On 30 March Add to my stay
- Le Calife Cigogne Show Nivelle On 5 April Add to my stay
- P!nk au Théâtre de Denain Concert Denain On 22 May Add to my stay
- Le Coup de Pelle Show Nivelle On 23 May Add to my stay
- L'Éveil du Printemps Show Nivelle On 25 June Add to my stay