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Exposition "Arlene Gottfried - Singing Photographer" au CRP/

  • Exhibition
Until Sunday 18 May
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Address Centre régional de la photographie Hauts-de-France Place des Nations 59282 Douchy-les-Mines
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New York, in the 70s-90s, was the scene of a irresistible social diversity, revealing a gallery of people, each more eccentric than the last. Poverty, alongside the pain it generated, was in contrast the driving force behind an inexhaustible thirst for life, for improvising small moments of happiness in urban space. Laurence Cornet, exhibition curator. ►CRP/ Centre régional de la photographie Hauts-de-France, Place des Nations, 59282 Douchy-les-Mines. Free admission. ► Opening hours: Tuesday to Friday: 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. - weekends: 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. © Graphic design Matthieu David -Studio